Organization Chart


 President office  Manage the investment & establishment of  the Company.
 Information Technology division  Computer operational planning.
 Administration division  Human resource, general affairs, company stock affairs, properties,   regulations, legal affairs.
 Finance division  Accountings, finance, tax affairs, budget estimate.
 Marketing & Sales   division  Responsible for marketing of products.
 Production division  Manufacturing the products.
 Research &     Development division  Research development and process improvement of products such as   fructose, maltose, isomalto-oligosaccharides.
 Auditing office  Auditing the financial affairs and operations.
 Purchasing division  Inventory, purchase the equipment and consumables, import and export   affairs.
 Occupational Safety and   Hygiene office  Management of occupational safety and hygiene.
 International investment   division  Related to the corporate vision and development, overall planning the   investment.